
论西方语义学史研究 被引量:1

A Discussion on the Study of Western Semantics History
摘要 长期以来,西方语言学史专著皆未把语义学史纳入研究视野。现有的西方语义学史专著,尚未建构基于主线发展的研究框架,缺少俄苏语义学史的内容,一些重要问题存在疏漏与失误。中国学者关于西方语义学史简介的主要缺失是:对原始文献缺乏直接掌握;对形成与发展脉络未能清晰梳理;对理论方法的学术背景未能深入揭示,且有以讹传讹。本文提出西方语义学史的重建思路:依据原始文献,基于群体考察-主线梳理模式,澄清长期以来存在的若干谜团,梳理西方语义学的发展轨迹及其趋势。 The history of semantics has not been included in the monographs of Western linguistics history for a long time. The existing Western semantics books have not yet established a research framework based on principle linear development. In addition,the history of Russian- Soviet semantics is a vacancy,omissions and errors exist in the statements on some important issues. The defects in Chinese scholars' introduction of Western semantics history are: the original literatures have not been grasped directly; the course of coming into being and development has not been well clarified,and the academic background of methodology has yet to be further revealed. This paper suggests that the reconstruction of Western semantics history should rely on the account of the original documents,based on the mode of group investigation and principle lines carding,in order to clarify some long- time mysteries and to explore the rule and trend of Western semantics development.
作者 李葆嘉 刘慧
出处 《南京师范大学文学院学报》 CSSCI 2016年第1期145-156,共12页 Journal of School of Chinese Language and Culture Nanjing Normal University
基金 国家社会科学基金项目"基于一手文献的西方语义学史论"(15BYY003)
关键词 语言学史 西方语义学史 原始文献 群体-主线模式 linguistics history Western semantics history original literature the mode of group investigation and principle line clarifying
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