目的以"JUST RIGHT"洗衣凝胶设计为例,研究基于可持续设计理念的日用产品情趣化设计。方法基于可持续设计理念,结合情趣化的设计要素,解决用户的痛点和心理需求。结论日用品的设计本是以解决用户使用需求为前提的,在加入情趣化的元素以及更加人性化的设计,可以满足用户的精神需求,提升了日用品的附加价值。
Taking the design of "JUST RIGHT" Oxidation as an example, fun commodity design based on the theory of sustainable design is researched. On the base of the theory of sustainable design, the article tries to solve users' urgent problems and psychological needs. Design of commodity is based on meeting customers' needs, then adding some idea of entertainment and user-friendly design to meet customers' needs that is not only on physical but also on psychological. It finally can raise the extra value of commodity.