4Francis Paul Prucha. The Groats Father: The United States Gov- ernment and the American Indians [ M ]. Lincoln: University of Nebraska Press, 1984:3, 49.
5Charles J. Kappler. "Treaty with the Western Cherokee, May 6, 1825", Indian Affairs: Laws and Treaties[ Z]. Vol. Ⅱ, Treaties, Washington, D. C. : Government Printing office, 1994:288-292.
6Felix Cohen. Handbook of Federal Indian Law [ Z ]. Washington, D. C. : United States Government Printing, 1942:240.
7Ronald N. Satz. American Indian Policy in the Jacksonian Era [ M]. Lincoln: University of Nebraska Press, 1977:271.
8Henry S. Commager. Documents of American History[ G]. (Tth Ed. ), vol. I . New York, 1963:575.
9Roger L. Nichols. The American Indian : Past and Present [ M ]. New York: John Wiley and Sons, 1971:87.
10Adams David Wallace. Education for Extinction: American Indi- ans and the Boarding School Experience ( 1875- 1928 ) [ M ]. Lawrence : University of Kansas Press, 1995 : 142.
7David Wallace Adams. Education for Extinction : American Indians and the Boarding School,Experience, 1875-1928. Lawrence: University of Kansas Press pp.xi 396, 1995.