
页岩储层中注气提高采收率研究进展 被引量:1

Study on enhanced oil recovery in shale reservoirs by gas injection
摘要 论述页岩储层注气提高采收率的现状,介绍目前提高油气藏采收率的方法,讨论各方法对页岩储层的适用性,重点对提高页岩储层采收率的气体吞吐模式和气驱模式进行分析,而后对页岩储层注气开采原理、气体吞吐模式的实验及油藏数值模拟结果对比分析,得出注气开采是提高页岩储层采收率最行之有效的方法,最后提出页岩气储层注气开采方式在我国发展的建议。 This paper discusses the present situation of shale reservoir recovery by gas injection, introduces the methods to enhance reservoir recovery and discusses the applicability of each method for shale reservoir focusing on gas huff and puff model and displacement model for shale reservoir recovery efficiency. It is concluded that mining gas injection is the most effective way to improve the shale reservoir recovery efficiency by the contrastive analysis of the shale gas injection reservoir exploitation principle,the gas huff and puff model and the reservoir numerical simulation results. At last, advises of the shale gas injection reservoir exploitation in China is proposed.
出处 《油气藏评价与开发》 CSCD 2016年第1期71-77,共7页 Petroleum Reservoir Evaluation and Development
基金 国家自然科学基金"基于密度泛函理论研究页岩气藏气固吸附微观机理"(51204141)
关键词 提高采收率 注气开采 页岩储层 吞吐作业 气驱 enhanced oil recovery recovery by gas injection shale reservoirs huff and puff gas displacement
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