

Mo Yan and Nationalist Allegory
摘要 莫言的长篇历史小说以及大多数中篇小说,承载着寻根者迫切的国族困境。《红高粱》中的挫败感,是作者回望故乡的传奇英雄期许中国复兴的心理反应。在《红高粱家族》、《丰乳肥臀》这两部有关中国历史的宏大神话叙事中,莫言利用基督教意象或"基督徒"角色,道出他心目中基督教在中国的处境,指出今天的中国是中国与西方"杂交"所生。在对中国现代性困境的思索中,莫言以西方之"用"来寻找纯正的中国之"体"。 Most of Mo Yah' s work can be labeled as historical novel, and involved with dilemmas of the Root-Searchers. In Red Sorghum, Mo Yan wears his ubi sunt discontent with the China of the present on his sleeve and looks back to the mythical heroes of his home county for a promise of Chinese renewal. In the midst of Mo Yan's grand mythologizing of Chinese history, he makes use of Christian image and "Christian" characters respectively to portray the place of Christianity in China. Thus, Mo Yan is still looking for the pure Chinese ti within all the Westernyong of the past century.
出处 《长江学术》 2016年第1期14-19,共6页 Yangtze River Academic
关键词 寻根者 基督教 寓言 民族主义 Roots-Searcher Christianity Allegory Nationalism
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  • 1W · J · F · Jenner, "Insuperable Barriers? Some Thoughts on the Reception of Chinese Writing in English Translation," World Apart: Recent Chinese Writing and Its Audiences, ed. Howard Goldblatt (Armonk, NY: Sharpe, 1990) 184.
  • 2中国小说50强编委会《长征·序》,见北村《长征》,长春:时代文艺出版社2001年版.
  • 3莫言.《秋水》 (Autumn Water), trans. Richard F. Hampsten and Maorong Cheng, The Columbia Anthology of Modem Chin- ese Literature, ed. Joseph S. M. Lau and Howard Goldblatt (New York: Columbia UP, 1995) 429——43.
  • 4莫言.《灵药》 (The Cure), trans. Howard Goldblatt, Chairman Mao Would Not Be Amused: Fiction from Today's China, ed. Howard Goldblatt (New York: Grove, 1995) 172-81.
  • 5莫言.《红高粱家族》,海口:南海出版公司2006年版.
  • 6Jing Wang, Introduction, China "s Avant-Garde Fiction, ed. Jing Wang (Durham, NC: Duke UP, 1998 )2.
  • 7赵毅衡, Introduction, The Lost Boat: Avant-Garde fiction from China, ed赵毅衡(London: WeUsweep, 1993) 12.
  • 8Joseph S. M.Lau and Howard Goldblatt, introduction, The Columbia Anthology of Modem Chinese Literature, ed. Joseph S M. Lau and Howard Goldblatt (New York: Columbia UP, 1995) xx.
  • 9炙占.《红商粱家族》,海口:南海出版公司刊2006年版,第372-373页.
  • 10赵毅衡,Introduction,TheLostBoat:Avant-Gardetr-tit,11fromChina,ed.赵毅衡(London:Wellsweep,1993)13.








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