荆门石化污水处理场以氧化沟工艺运行为主,由于沟型的原因存在充氧与推流的矛盾,曝气转碟间距较长,氧化沟水平流速小于0.3 m/s,污泥沉底。氧化沟充氧与推流的之间矛盾必须通过潜水推流器来解决。氧化沟转碟只提供生化处理所需曝气量,而潜水推流器则起到泥水搅拌均匀、提供足够水平流速的作用。氧化沟增设潜水推流器投用后,不再发生污泥沉低的现象,水平流速大于0.3 m/s,沟内污泥混合均匀,溶解氧也由原4.0 mg/L降到2.0 mg/L,同时由于溶解氧和水平流速的满足。但潜水推流器投用后,一定程度上也破坏了原有生物相分布情况,需通过不断摸索使微生物适应新的生长环境。
Jingmen Petrochemical wastewater treatment mainly uses oxidation ditch process operation,because of groove type,the contradiction between oxygen and push flow was existed,aeration disc distance was longer,oxidation ditch horizontal velocity was less than 0. 3 m/s,sludge tanked. O_xidation ditch between oxygen and push flow of contradiction must be addressed by diving on current limiter. O_xidation ditch disc only provided air needed for biochemical treatment,while diving push inverter played mud mix and provided sufficient horizontal velocity. O_xidation ditch added diving after pushing the inverter putting-in-service proactively,no longer sink low sludge,horizontal velocity was greater than 0. 3 m/s,the sludge was in the mix,dissolved oxygen as the original 4. 0 mg/L to 2. 0 mg/L,because of the dissolved oxygen and horizontal velocity of satisfy at the same time. But after using diving push inverter putting-in-service proactively,the original distribution of biological phase was destroyed,and made microorganisms grow to adapt to the new environment by trial and error.
GuangZhou Chemical Industry
submersible water impeller QJB
oxidation ditch
refinery wastewater