
中国转基因水稻商业化种植争论中的科学观——基于核心群体网络争论文本分析 被引量:1

The View of Science in the Debate about the Commercial Cultivation of Chinese Transgenic Rice——An analysis based on the text of core groups network controversy
摘要 核心群体在相关网络上,围绕"环境风险和健康风险"、"粮食安全和国家主权安全"、"参与资格及合法性"三个主题,针对"中国是否应该进行转基因水稻商业化种植"展开了激烈争论。分析各核心群体网络争论文本,转基因产业科学家、政府官员、新语丝形成"赞成方";环保专家、其他领域科学家、绿色和平(中国)、科学文化人、乌有之乡网友形成"反对方"。进一步分析各核心群体争论文本,发现他们体现了相应的科学观,如实证主义、后实证主义、后常规科学、后殖民科学、科学知识社会学(SSK)、科学例外论等。 Around the three themes of environmental and health risks, food security and national sovereignty and eligibility for participation and legitimacy, the core groups launch a fierce debate about whether China should be the commercial cultivation of transgenic rice in the related network. Analyzing each text of core groups network controversy, the GM industry scientists, government officials and new threads are basically the same in view of the subject of the controversy, forming a "favor of the party". For environmental experts, scientists in other fields,Greenpeace(China), scientific culturati and utopia friends, while they have different views on the subject of the debate, but overall against Chinese commercial cultivation of transgenic rice, the formation of "opposition." Further analyzing the arguments of the core groups, we have found that they reflect the corresponding view of science, such as positivism,post-positivism, traditional sociology of science, sociology of scientific knowledge(SSK), science exceptionalism and postcolonial science and so on.
作者 肖显静
出处 《晋阳学刊》 CSSCI 2016年第2期75-83,共9页 Academic Journal of Jinyang
基金 国家社会科学基金重点项目"生态学"整体论-还原论"的争论及其解决路径"(项目编号:14AZX00814) 教育部人文社会科学研究规划基金项目"生态学实验实在论与建构论研究"(项目编号:13YJA720019)阶段性成果
关键词 转基因水稻 风险评价 网络争论 科学 技术 China Transgenic rice Core group Risk assessment Network controversy Science Technology
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