γ-TiAl金属间化合物是新型航空材料,由于室温延展性低,在切削过程中很难形成塑性变形,试验加工表面出现材料拉出、片层结构直接破坏的现象,加工表面质量差。本文通过对γ-Ti Al进行加工试验,研究切削参数对加工表面质量和加工表面横截面的微观形貌的影响,结果表明在片层方向与加工表面垂直的区域发生片层结构扭曲,产生塑性变形,随着切削深度的降低或进给速度的增加,加工表面塑性变形减小,加工表面质量变好。
γ- titanium aluminides intermetallic alloy is a new aviation materials. Due to their low temperature ductility,it is not easy to form plastically deformation and material machined surface prone to pull out,and the lamellar structure of the material directly damaged,the surface quality are difficult to guarantee. In this paper,the planar milling of γ- Ti Al intermetallic alloy was carried out to investigate the effects of cutting parameters on the surface quality of the machined and the micro morphology of the cross section. The results show that there are some lamellar structure distortion in the area of the sheet direction and the vertical surface of the machined surface,and the plastic deformation of the machined surface is decreased and the surface quality is better with the decreasing of cutting depth or increasing of the feed speed.
Tool Engineering