舵机是空空导弹控制系统的执行机构,舵机测试在导弹性能考核中有重要意义。为了满足对各种类型舵机性能测试的需求,搭建了一个通用化的基于PXI总线的舵机性能测试平台,系统能够实现电动与气动舵机的空载与加载性能测试。软件开发选用Lab Windows/CVI语言,采用多线程技术和模块化设计方法,具有很强的扩展性。应用结果表明:该系统操作简便、覆盖性广、通用性强、精度高,为舵机的性能研究、评估和改进提供了一个良好的工具。
Servo-actuator is the executive mechanism of airborne missile control system,and servo-actuator test has vital significance in missile performance examination. To meet the testing requirements of various servo-actuators,a universal performance test platform of servo-actuator based on PXI bus is built,which can test unload and load performance of electric and pneumatic servo-actuator. Software development opts for Lab Windows / CVI language,adopts multithreading technology and modular design method,and has strong expansibility. The results show that this system is convenient with wide coverage,strong commonality and high precision,and provides a good tool for performance research,evaluation and improvement of servo-actuator.
Metrology & Measurement Technology