The Yuan Dynasty is of great significance, linking the preceding Song and Jin Dynasty, following the Ming and Qing Dynasty in the history of the acceptance of poetry of the Tang Dynasty. Wang Wei, as a poet in the great prosperity of the Tang Dynasty, whose study and acceptant in the Yuan Dynasty is quite limited, mainly focused on The Quintessence of Regulated Verses, Tang Yin and other poetry works. It takes a progressive procedure on the acceptance of Wangwei's Poetry by the Yuan Dynasty, from the early days to the mid-term and then to the later period. The study on the matter of the acceptance of Wang Wei in the Yuan Dynasty, will clear the position of the Yuan Dynasty in the whole history of Wang Wei's acceptance and the acception of tang poet in Yuan Dynasty, which will promote the advance of Wang Wei's study and study of poetry of the Tang Dynasty to a better position.
Journal of Xichang University:Social Science Edition
Wang Wei
Yuan Dynasty
acceptance research
The Quintessence of Regulated Verses