在四川省委、泸州市委的正确领导下,泸州市依靠其得天独厚的地理优势和医学技术优势,欲将其打造成为川滇黔渝结合部的康健医疗中心,覆盖人口近6 000万。康健医疗中心是集预防、保健、医疗、康复、养老、人才培养等功能于一体的综合体,具有中心聚集和辐射基层的作用,能够为提升覆盖区域内居民的健康水平做出重大贡献。这是适应供给侧变革需要,增加供给侧总量、改革供给侧结构,进而激发地方经济活力的重要举措,其经验值得借鉴和推广。
Under the appropriate leadership of Sichuan Provincial Party Committee and Luzhou Municipal,Luzhou,drawing on its geographic and medical superiorities,is attempting to build itself into a medical and rehabilitation center especially designed for the joint area of Sichuan,Yunnan,Guizhou and Chongqing and aiming to cover and benefit nearly 6000 people.The center is a wide-range multifunctional complex of prevention,health care,rehabilitation and personnel training and is capable of contributing to the amelioration of the residential health conditions within the area.Also,the center is the unavoidably essential step and consequent outcome of the economic progress within the area,the experience of which is worth drawing and popularizing.
Economic Research Guide