
苹果新品种‘瑞雪’的选育 被引量:33

Breeding report of a new apple cultivar‘Ruixue'
摘要 ‘瑞雪’是由‘秦富1号’ב粉红女士’杂交选育而成的黄色晚熟苹果新品种。果实圆柱形,果皮黄色,果面光洁,果点小,有蜡质;果肉黄白色,硬脆,肉质细脆,酸甜适口,汁液多,风味浓;果个大,平均单果质量296 g,最大单果质量339 g;果形高桩,果形指数0.90。可溶性固形物含量16.0%,总糖含量12.10%,可滴定酸含量0.30%,硬度8.84kg·cm-2,100 g鲜果肉维生素C含量6.82 mg,品质上等。果实生育期180 d,成熟期较一致,无采前落果现象。在陕西渭北(东经109.60°,北纬35.18°)4月中旬开花,10月中旬果实成熟。树势中庸偏旺,萌芽率高,成枝力中等,具短枝性状。抗逆性、抗病性均较强。与主栽品种‘富士’相比,该品种抗白粉病,较抗褐斑病等叶部病害。抗旱、抗寒能力较强。在常温条件下保鲜袋内可贮藏5个月,冷藏8个月。该品种在我国苹果主产区均可栽培,适应性广。栽后第2年开花结果,早果,丰产性强,生产推广应用前景广阔。 ‘Ruixue'is a new late ripening yellow apple cultivar selected from a cross‘Qinfu No.1'and‘Pinklady'. Firstly, after artificial pollination, 4 176 hybrid seeds were got in 2002. The seeds were sowed in 2003, and 1 294 seedlings were got. Subsequently, the progeny plants were transfered to Baishui Apple Experiment Station in 2005. Seven selections were made from this population for its perfect appearance and high quality in 2008. Regional adaptability testing of those selections was at Baishui county, Xunyi county and Fufeng county of Shaanxi province over three years from 2008 to 2010. Finally,‘Ruixue'was selected out in 2010. Trees of‘Ruixue'are moderately vigorous with a upright growth habit. The central axis of tree becomes obvious with taupe colour while the perennial branch is auburn. The characteristics of annual shoots are upright, thick, and the internode is very short with an average length is 1.8 cm.Axillary bud is medium size, triangle and hairy. Flower bud is full, heart-shaped, compact and hairy. Leaf is spindle, dark green and luster. The average length and width are respectively 9.7 cm and 6.4 cm. The flower is pink with ovoid and white petals. The diameter of corolla is 4.10 cm with 20 stamens. The fruit is cylindric, large size with an average length to diameter ratio of 0.90 and an average weight of 296 g, the biggest one is up to 339 g. It has a beautiful appearance with yellow color. The skin is smooth, waxy with small dots. The flesh is yellowish white, delicate tender, juicy and crispy with a firmness of 8.84 kg·cm-2.This variety has 10 seeds per fruit. The flavor is aromatic, sweet and sour taste with a soluble solid substance content of 16.0%, a total sugar of 12.10%, and a total titratable acid content of 0.30%. Vitamin C is68.2 mg·kg- 1. The quality is excellent. Full bloom date of‘Ruixue'in Shanxi Weibei area is April and the mature date is mid-October. The fruit development period is 180 d, without pre-harvest fruit dropping. The germination rate is 55%, branching ability is medium. Foliage and fruits are resistant to powdery mildew, stronger than that of‘Golden Delicious'. The resistance to brown spot is similar to that of‘Golden Delicious'. In order to investigate the storability of‘Ruixue', the fruit are stored at room and cold temperature, respectively. These results indicate that it can store for 5 month at room temperature,and it keeps fresh quality for 8 month at cold temperature. This variety can bear fruits after planted for three years. The ability of yielding was 21 900 kg·hm-2in the fourth year. And this variety has the cultivation characteristics of Spur type with high and stable yield, and easy initiation of floral bud with precocious fruit bearing. At the same time, the comprehensive properties are superior to‘Golden Delicious' and‘Orin'. It has stronger competition for the market and a wide application prospect.
出处 《果树学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2016年第3期374-377,共4页 Journal of Fruit Science
基金 国家苹果产业技术体系(CARS-28) ‘十二五’农村领域国家科技计划(2013BAD02B01-2) 陕西省科技统筹创新工程计划(2011KTZB02-02-01)
关键词 苹果 新品种 '瑞雪’ 晚熟 Apple New cultivar ‘Ruixue' Late ripening
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  • 2农业部《优势农产品区域布局规划(2003-2007)》2003.
  • 3农业部《苹果优势区域布局规划(2008-2015)》2008.
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