3Denial Bell.The Reforming of General Education--The Columbia College Experience in its National Setting.Anchor Edition.27-28,27.
4Ryan,Will Carson.Studies in Early Graduate Education,the Johns Hopkins,Clark University,the University of Chicago.The Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching,1939.126.
6Ward,F.Champion.The Idea and Practice of General Education-an Account of the College of the University of Chicago.The University of Chicago Press,1992:47,60,124,77,1.
7Mary Ann Dzuback.Robert M.Hutchins-Portrait of an Educator.The University of Chicago Press,1991:120,68,181,123,130,133.
8John W.Boyer.Continuity& Change:The College as an Advocate of Curricular Innovation and De bate.http://www.uchicago.edu/docs/education/continuitychange/view2.html,1997-10-21.
9Hutchins.The Higher Learning in America.Oxford University Press,1936.85.