
不同灌水方式对小麦根系、光合及品质的影响 被引量:13

Effects of Different Irrigation Methods on the Root,Photosynthesis and Quality of Wheat
摘要 为小麦持续节水增产增效提供理论帮助和科学依据,在人工防雨玻璃篷下研究了9种灌水方式(不同灌水时期和灌水量组合)对小麦根系、光合、品质及产量的影响。结果表明,小麦的总根长、总体积、总表面积、平均直径和总根尖数皆以W1处理(全生育期水分充足)最高,拔节期和抽穗期灌水可获得与W1相当的根系性状。小麦冠层叶绿素密度灌1水下以W2(拔节期45 mm)和W3(抽穗期45 mm)灌水处理最高。总灌水量相同,增加灌水次数对小麦光合的影响不大,拔节期和抽穗期灌水组合是灌2水下最佳灌水时期组合。抽穗期灌水与其他生育期灌水处理相比,利于提高蛋白质含量;W1处理的淀粉含量、湿面筋含量和沉降值最高,其次为W2,且二者间的差异不显著。W1的穗数、穗粒数、千粒质量和产量最高,其次为W2,分别比W0(全生育期不灌水)显著增加了3.2%,5.4%,6.1%,15.3%和2.1%,4.3%,5.6%,10.9%,且总灌水量相同,灌1水的增产效果可优于或相当于灌2水和灌3水的效果。相关分析表明,根系总体积、总表面积、平均直径、总根尖数与光合速率、冠层叶绿素密度、千粒质量、产量皆呈显著或极显著正相关关系。研究得出,拔节期和抽穗期灌水最利于小麦根系、光合、品质及产量的改善;灌水总量相同,增加灌水次数的效果不明显。 To provide theoretical help and scientific basis for sustainably increasing wheat yield and production efficiency with high water use efficiency,an experiment was conducted in an artificial glass rainproof shed to study the effects of 9 irrigation methods( different irrigation combination of irrigation stages and amount) on roots,photosynthesis,quality and yield of wheat. The results indicated that the total root length,total volume,total surface area,average diameter and total root tips of W1( adequate water was supplied during the whole growth period) were the highest,irrigation at jointing stage and heading stage could obtain equivalent root traits to W1 treatment. W2( jointing stage 45 mm) and W3( heading stage 45 mm) treatments had the highest values of wheat canopy chlorophyll density under the condition of irrigation one times,and W5( jointing stage 22. 5 mm + heading stage 22. 5 mm) had the highest values of wheat canopy chlorophyll density under the condition of irrigation two times. Under the same amount of irrigation water,the wheat photosynthesis was not obviously affected by the increasing of irrigation times,the combination of irrigation at jointing and heading stages was the best irrigation combination when irrigation two times during the whole growth period of wheat. Irrigation at heading stage can help to enhance protein content when compared to other irrigation treatments,the W1 treatment had the highest values of starch content,wet gluten content and sedimentation value,and followed by W2,and the difference between W1 and W2 was insignificant. The W1 treatment had the highest values of spike number grains per spike,1000-grain weight and yield,and followed by W2,when compared to W0( no irrigation during the whole growth period of wheat) they were significantly increasedby 3. 2%,5. 4%,6. 1%,15. 3% and 2. 1%,4. 3%,5. 6%,10. 9%,and if the irrigation amount was the same,the effects of irrigation one time on increasing yield could be better than or equivalent to irrigation two and three times.Correlation analysis showed that the total root volume,total surface area,average diameter,total root tips were all positively correlated to photosynthetic rate,canopy chlorophyll density,1000-grain weight and yield. All the findings indicated that irrigation at jointing stage and heading stage was the best for improving root traits,photosynthesis,quality and yield,and the effects of the increasing of irrigation times was not obvious under the same irrigation amount.
出处 《华北农学报》 CSCD 北大核心 2016年第1期212-217,共6页 Acta Agriculturae Boreali-Sinica
基金 国家科技支撑计划项目(2013BAD07B08 2012BAD04B09 2011BAD16B06)
关键词 根系特性 叶绿素密度 光合 品质 产量 Root traits Chlorophyll density Photosynthesis Quality Yield
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