

On the Study of English Teacher Education Curriculum Setting Adjustment based on the Analysis of Social Needs
摘要 不少学者提出英语教师教育课程设置存在改革的必要性,本研究结合社会需求分析,对318名英语师范生和9所中小学进行了调查,为英语教师教育专业课程设置调整、课程目标、内容和教学方法的确定等提供借鉴依据。 Many researchers believe there should be an English teacher education curriculum reform. Therefore,the study applied the analysis of social needs and carried out a survey on 318 English normal students and 9 elementary and secondary schools. The research provides references for the modification of the English teacher education curriculum,the formulating of curriculum objectives,content and teaching methods.
出处 《湖北函授大学学报》 2016年第6期156-157,共2页
基金 广州大学教育教学研究立项项目"基于英语师范生就业能力调查的课程改革探索"的阶段性成果
关键词 社会需求分析 英语教师教育专业 课程设置 英语师范生 analysis of social needs English teacher education curriculum English normal students
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