
云南彝良“9.7”地震城区集中安置点公共卫生状况快速调查评估 被引量:2

Hygienic status of centralized temporary settlements in Yiliang urban area of Yunnan province after September 7,2012 earthquake: a rapid risk assessment
摘要 目的评估云南彝良地震灾区集中安置点公共卫生状况和应急工作需求。方法于2012年9月11—14日,按照《救灾安置点公共卫生需求快速调查评估表》内容对彝良城区所有9个集中安置点进行快速调查评估。结果集中安置点住宿全部以帐篷方式实现;安置点饮水以定型包装水为主,8个安置点的生活用水来源于自来水,且采取集中式供水;食品基本来自政府供给或社会捐赠,5个集中安置点采取集中供餐方式供餐;8个集中安置点开展环境消毒工作并设有垃圾集中收集点,但存在垃圾未及时清运现象,所有安置点内蚊子、苍蝇等病媒生物密度较低;7个集中安置点内设有临时医疗点,所有医疗点均开展了传染病登记报告及症状监测登记报告。结论彝良城区的集中安置点公共卫生状况有待改善,仍存在肠道和呼吸道传染病的传播风险。 Objective To assess public health situation and requirement of health resources of centralized temporary settles in urban areas of Yiliang after a M_S 5. 7 earthquake for making effective infectious disease control and prevention. Methods All of the 9 centralized temporary settlements in urban areas of Yiliang were investigated with a questionnaire survey combined with field study during September 11- 14,2012. Results All the earthquake victims were settled in tents of the centralized temporary settlements. All the victims residing in the settlements were supplied with standardized packaged water as drinking water and tap water was used in daily life among the victims settled in 8 of settlements. The food for the victims were basically from the government supply or social donation and 5 settlements provided uniformly processed food and dishes to the victims. Regular environmental disinfection was carried in 8 of the settlements and fixed garbage collection sites were set up but some garbage was not collected and removed timely in some settlements. The density of mosquitoes,flies and other vectors was very lowin all settlements. Temporary medical posts were established in 7 settlements and registration and symptom monitoring of infectious diseases were carried out at all the medical posts. Conclusion There were some required improvements for hygienic status at centralized temporary settlements in Yiliang urban areas to reduce the risk of infectious disease epidemic among earthquake victims.
出处 《中国公共卫生》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2016年第3期353-355,共3页 Chinese Journal of Public Health
基金 公益性行业科研专项课题(20132004-4-4-1)
关键词 地震灾区 集中安置点 快速风险评估 earthquake disaster area centralized temporary settlement rapid risk assessment
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