
关于新形势下高校俄语专业俄罗斯文学教学模式改革的思考 被引量:5

Thoughts on reform in teaching model of Russian literature of Russian major in colleges and universities in new situations
摘要 我国高校俄语专业具有深厚的俄罗斯文学教学传统,数十年来也积累了较为丰富的经验。近年来中俄关系的新走向无疑又为其提供了一个前所未有的发展机遇和平台。有鉴于此,俄罗斯文学教学应该大胆借鉴国内外先进经验,更新教育观念,积极推进教学改革,以增进学生对俄罗斯民族性格与文化的了解,提升学生独立思考、科学研究能力与人文素养,为培养国家战略发展亟需的高级俄语研究型人才做出更大贡献。 Our Russian major has a deep tradition of Russian literature teaching,and has accumulated a wealth of experience for decades. The new trend of Sino-Russian relationship in recent years undoubtedly provides it with an unprecedented opportunity for development and platform. In view of this,Russian literature teaching circle should boldly learn from domestic and foreign advanced experience,update education concepts,and actively promote teaching reform,so as to enhance students' understanding of Russians' national character and culture,and improve their independent thinking and research capabilities and humanistic quality,thus making greater contribution to cultivating high-level research-based Russian talents urgently needed by national strategic development.
作者 杨明明
机构地区 华东师范大学
出处 《外语教学理论与实践》 CSSCI 北大核心 2016年第1期55-58,共4页 Foreign Language Learning Theory And Practice
基金 上海市普陀区高层次人才科研创新项目(普人才2014-BC-03) 华东师范大学教学改革与研究项目成果
关键词 俄罗斯文学教学 教学改革 研究型外语专业人才 Russian literature teaching teaching reform research-based foreign language professionals
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