文章通过对O2O(Online To Offline)电子商务模式的应用现状及其管理模式、发展过程、交易模式等方面的分析,归纳总结了当前O2O与传统电子商务这2个领域内在的区别和联系,并对当前O2O模式的应用领域和发展模式进行了细致分析,最后从信息生态学视角揭示了未来O2O模式将向本地化、区域化、服务精细化以及个性化发展。
Though the analysis of the application model of O2 O,and its current management, developing progress and trading way, the paper summarizes the difference and connection between current O20 and traditional E-commerce in their field, and deeply analyzes current O2 O application range and developing mode, and finds out the trend of O2 O e-commerce in localization, regionalization and refined service and its individual developing.
Wireless Internet Technology