
并列式三卷筒船用绞车冲击特性 被引量:1

Shock Characteristics of a Three-reel Parallel-type Marine Winch
摘要 为提高船用绞车抗冲击性能及为今后船用绞车设计提供参考,参照标准GJB1060制定船用绞车冲击环境,并利用ANSYS有限元软件对绞车冲击特性进行研究,对绞车在垂向、横向和纵向三个方向冲击载荷作用下加速度与应力响应进行分析,得到船用绞车整体在垂向、横向和纵向的最大应力响应比值以及最大应力值出现位置,概括绞车上六个电机在不同载荷作用下加速度响应特性,并对提升绞车抗冲击特性进行简单优化。 In order to improve the anti-shock characteristics of marine winches and provide some reference for future marine winch design and development, the shock environment was generated for the marine winch testing according to the domestic standard“GJB1060”. The shock characteristics of a three-reel parallel-type marine winch were studied with the finite element software of ANSYS. Acceleration and stress responses of the winch under the shock load in the transverse, longitudinal and vertical directions were analyzed. The maximum stress response ratios of the whole marine winch in the three directions and the positions for the maximum stresses were obtained. The acceleration response characteristics of the six motors of the winch under different loading conditions were summarized, and the anti-shock characteristics of the winch were primarily optimized.
出处 《噪声与振动控制》 CSCD 2016年第2期76-79,共4页 Noise and Vibration Control
关键词 振动与波 ANSYS 冲击特性 船用绞车 vibration and wave ANSYS shock characteristics marine winch
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