2David Miller,"A Vision of Market Socialism: How It Might Work And Its Problems", in Frank Roosevelt and David Belkin(eds.), Why Market Socialism : Voices From Dissent, M.E.Sharpe Inc.1994 ,P.247.
3David Miller, Markte, State And Community. Oxford.. Oxford University Press, 1989, P.9-- 10.
5David Miller, Principles of Social Justice. Harvard: Har-vard University Press,1999 ,P.27--30.
6David Miller, Markte, State And Community. Oxford.. Oxford University Press, 1989, P.310.
7David Miller,"A Vision of Market Socialism: How It Might Work And Its Problems", in Frank Roosevelt and David Belkin(eds.), Why Market Socialism.. Voices From Dissent, M.E.Sharpe Inc.1994,P.258.
8David Miller, Markte, State And Community. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1989, P. 311.
9David Miller, Market, State and Community. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1989, P.312.
10David Miller,"A Vision of Market Socialism: How It Might Work And Its Problems", in Frank Roosevelt and David Belkin(eds.),Why Market Socialism:Voices From Dissent, M.E.Sharpe Inc.1994,P.252.