
试述素食生态女性主义的动物伦理思想 被引量:2

On the Animal Ethics of Vegetarian Ecofeminism
摘要 作为生态女性主义的一个分支,素食生态女性主义将非人类的动物纳入研究框架,指出物种与种族、阶级、性别和自然之间不可分割的联系。本文通过分析素食生态女性主义选择食素这种饮食模式的原因,展示它在动物问题上表现出的伦理取向。首先,素食生态女性主义驳斥了食肉主义文化的统治本体论,认为它导致了动物从有生命的主体被降格为无生命的客体,唯有关注生命伦理,才能还原动物主体性。其次,素食生态女性主义批判了肉生产和肉消耗背后的社会、历史和政治因素,提倡动物是有道德地位的生命主体,应当对他们给予关爱和同情。最后,素食生态女性主义注意到了素食主义的情境性,提出了种际正义原则。这种多元性和包容性的思维方式为素食生态女性主义打开了广阔的伦理空间,体现了对动物的人道主义情怀。 As a branch of ecofeminism,vegetarian ecofeminism brings non-human animals into its research framework,and points out the relationship among species,races,classes,gender and nature. This paper aims at exploring vegetarian ecofeminism's ethical orientation through its dietary choice. Firstly, vegetarian ecofeminism denounces the ontologization of animals by the carnivorous culture,which results in the objectification of animals. It proposes life ethic as a way to restore animal subjectivity. Secondly,vegetarian ecofeminism criticizes the social,historical and political factors behind meat production and meat consumption,and advocates care and sympathy to animal subjects of moral standing. Finally,vegetarian ecofeminism notices that vegetarianism has its own cultural contexts,thus puts forward principles of interspecies justice. The pluralistic and inclusive way of thinking opens up a wider ethic space for vegetarian ecofeminism and reflects its humanitarian spirit.
作者 袁霞
出处 《暨南学报(哲学社会科学版)》 CSSCI 北大核心 2016年第3期36-42,129,共7页 Jinan Journal(Philosophy and Social Sciences)
基金 江苏省社会科学基金项目<当代加拿大文学中的动物伦理思想>(批准号:14WWB004) 中国博士后科学基金项目<动物伦理学观照下的当代加拿大文学研究>(批准号:2014M560412)
关键词 素食生态女性主义 食肉 肉生产 肉消耗 动物伦理 vegetarian ecofeminism meat-eating meat production meat consumption animal ethics
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  • 2Carol Adams, ed. The Sexual Politics of Meat : A Feminist-Vegetarian Critical Theory, New York : Continuum, 1990, pp. 40 - 62.
  • 3《生态女性主义文学批评:理论、阐释和教学法》,格瑞塔·嘉德、帕特里克·D.墨菲主编,蒋林译,北京:中国社会科学出版社2013年版,第96页.
  • 4Carol Adams, "Ecofeminism and the Eating of Animals," Hypatia, Vol. 6, 1991, p. 137.
  • 5约瑟芬·多诺万:《生态女性主义文学批评:阅读橘子》,载格瑞塔·嘉德、帕特里克·D.墨菲主编:《生态女性主义文学批评:理论、阐释和教学法》,第96页.
  • 6Matthew Cole, "From ' Animal Machines' to ' Happy Meat' ? Foucauh's Ideas of Disciplinary and Pastoral Power Applied to ' Animal-Cen- tred' Welfare Discourse," Animals, Vol. 1,2011, p. 83.
  • 7See also Kathryn Gillespie, "How Happy is Your Meat? : Confronting (Dis) con- nectedness in the 'Ahemative' Meat Industry, " The Brock Review, Vol. 12, 2011, pp. 100-128.
  • 8Cathy B. Glenn, "Constructing Consumables and Consent : A Critical Analysis of Factory Farm Industry Discourse," Journal of Communica- tion Inquiry, Vol. 28, 2004, p. 69.
  • 9Carol Adams, "Ecofeminism and the Eating of Animals," Hypatia, Vol. 6, 1991, p.137.
  • 10Carol Adams, "Why Feminist-Vegan Now?" Feminism & Psychology, Vol. 3, 2010, p. 304.


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  • 3Buell, Laurence. Writing for an Endangered World. Cambridge: Belknap Press of Harvard UP, 2001.
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