
前额叶肿瘤患者决策能力研究 被引量:2

Decision-making research in patients of prefrontal lobe tumor
摘要 目的研究额叶背外侧肿瘤患者决策能力是否存在改变。方法实验分别采用风险概率未知情境下的爱荷华博弈任务(IGT)和风险概率已知情境下的骰子博弈任务(GDT)对38例额叶背外侧肿瘤患者(肿瘤组)及30例健康对照者(健康对照组)进行决策能力研究。结果在IGT任务中肿瘤组在5个block项目中与健康对照组差异无统计学意义,在GDT任务中,肿瘤组患者选取的"2"项目次数和风险频率增高,而在"3"项目次数和安全选项频率降低,差异有统计学意义。结论实验表明前额叶背外侧肿瘤患者的决策能力明显受损,且决策认知过程中存在分离现象。 Objective To investigate the difference of the decision-making ability in prefrontal lobe tumor patients. Methods With the Iowa gambling task (IGT) and game of dice task( GDT), the experiment compared 38 cases of dorsolateral frontal lobe tumor patients (tumor group) with 30 cases of healthy controls (healthy control group) to investigate the decision-making ability. Results The tumor group had no statistically significant difference with the healthy controls in IGT' s five block projects. In the GDT task, the frequency of the number "2" project and the safety option was high, while the frequency of the number "3" project and the risky option was low. The difference was statistically significant. Conclusion Experiments showed that the decision-making of the prefrontal lobe tumor patients was significantly impaired , and the separation existed in the decision cognitive processing.
出处 《安徽医科大学学报》 CAS 北大核心 2016年第4期558-560,共3页 Acta Universitatis Medicinalis Anhui
基金 国家自然科学基金(编号:81171273) 安徽医科大学校科研基金资助项目(编号:2015xkj037)
关键词 额叶肿瘤 认知功能 决策能力 frontal lobe tumor congnitive function decision-making
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