
大白鼠实验性肝病变的组织化学和生物化学研究 Ⅰ.四氯化碳中毒后肝内脂肪、脂肪酶、核糖核酸和硷性磷酸酶的观察及血、肝内转氨酶活力的变化

HISTO-AND BIOCHEMICAL STUDIES ON EXPERIMENTAL LIVER DISEASE OF RAT I. Effect of CCl_4 Poisoning on the Fat, Lipase, RNA and Alkaline Phosphatase of Rat Liver with Special Reference to the Change of Transaminase Activity of Blood and Liver
摘要 大白鼠皮下注射一定剂量的CCl_4(2C.C./100克体重40%的CCl_4)后24及48小时出現显著的肝脂肪病变,此时血內轉氨酶活力由正常时的175.5单位上升至924与908单位,同时肝組織內轉氨酶活力則由正常时的159单位分別下降至79及59单位。因此我們认为,由CCl_4引起的这样肝病变时血內轉氨酶的上升可能系由中毒的肝組織而釆。在注射CCl_4后的动物肝組織中有某些数量的肝细胞由于肿胀而成气球细胞,此类细胞用一般組織学及組織化学方法观察,无脂肪的积聚,亦无脂肪酶、核糖核酸及硷性磷酸酶的存在;由于此类細胞的出現,致使肝血变狭窄,影响了肝細胞的血液供应,而使肝小叶中央細胞坏死。我們也观察到,在肝病变过程中,靠近中央靜脉周围单核浸澗細胞較多,此类細胞中的核糖核酸及硷性磷酸酶均呈阴性反应。在浸潤細胞间有小型肝細胞的存在,此种細胞形状較小,其細胞質的嗜伊紅性較强,其中硷性磷酸酶及核糖核酸則呈阴性反应;致使核糖核酸及硷性磷酸酶在病变后臂由正常分布形式而集中于肝門管附近的肝細胞及肝胆管周围。我們認为,硷性磷酸酶的集小于肝门管区是由于气球細胞的胀大阻塞了血,而胆毛細管的收縮又妨碍了磷酸酶由肝至胆道的去路。CCL_4注射48小时后大白鼠肝內的核糖核酸集中于肝門管区,被認为是肝細胞的再生現象。本实驗观察到,CCl_4中毒后肝脂肪的产生与肝細胞內脂肪酶的阴性反应,这可能与肝細胞內脂肪酶的减低有关,是由于CCl_4破坏了肝內脂肪酶的活性所致。 Subcutaneous injection of 40% CCl_4 dissolved in olive oil in the dose of 2cc./100gm. body weight caused an elevation of the serum transaminase (SGOT) activity on the adult normal rats (♀.♂). The value of serum transaminase is increased from 175.5 units to 924 and 908 units respectively at 24 hours and 48 hours after administration. It is believed that most of the serum transaminase comes from the liver, since the transaminase of the hepatic tissue was decreased from 159 units to 79 and 59 units respectively under the same condition. This fact gives a strong evidence indicating that the high level of serum transaminase after CCl_4 administration is due to the injury of liver cells. Histologically, fatty metamorphosis was seen in the liver within 24 hours, especially marked at 48 hours. At the same time, the histochemical test of lipase gives a negative result, but, it is positive within the liver cells surrounding the central vein of hepatic lobules in the normal animals. So, we believe, the etiologic factor of the fatty liver after treated with CCl_4 may be accompanied by the loss of lipase. There was centralobular patchy necrosis and infiltrtaion. some liver cells at the periportal regions were swollen and vacuolated, and were found to contain neither fat, lipase, RNA nor alkaline phosphatase histochemically. We also found that the cytoplasm of some liver cells around the ihfiltrated area, owing to the absence of RNA, possesses eosinophilic property. The concentration of the alkaline phosphtase, being surrounded by the balloon cells at the periportal tracts, as demonstrated by the histochemical method in the liver at 24 hours after injection of CCl_4, was due primarily to the constriction of the sinusoid and biliary canaliculi between balloon cells.
出处 《北京师范大学学报(自然科学版)》 CAS 1963年第3期63-75,共13页 Journal of Beijing Normal University(Natural Science)
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