This paper gives an axiomatic definition to the rank of matrix over an arbitrary division ring and proves some common properties of rank of matrix on the basis of this definition. Some knowledge of generalized inverse is used. The definition is given as follows: A numerical function p(·) defined on a set of matrices is called rank function and 0(A), A∈ is called rank of matrix A if the following conditions are satisfied, (‘ρ1) ρ(A)=0, when A is a column vector and A=0; (ρ2) ρ(A)=1, when A is a column vector and A≠0; (ρ03) ρ(A, B)]=ρp(A)+ρ(I-AA~) B], where (A, B) are partitioned matrices and A- is any particular generalized inverse of A.
Journal of Beijing Normal University(Natural Science)