聚合草(Symphytum officinale L)是我国近年来引进的高产优质青饲料,很受群众欢迎。但由于它开花而几乎不结种子,一般采用营养体繁殖,主要靠切根繁殖。近年来用茎秆扦插已获成功。用叶子繁殖(带腋芽)也取得一定经验。几年来,我们用植物激素和电处理叶柄(不带腋芽)成活率在20—90%之间。除根茎外,叶繁又提供了一条繁殖途径。它具有繁殖系数高,再生力强的特性。
The comfrey (Symphytum officinale L.) is a sort of high-yield fo- dder introduced from abroad. It is very popular with our people. But it ha- rdly gives seeds. Consequently, it is usually made to multiply by using vege- tative body, i.e. by curring roots or stems. Instead, for speeding up its-multi- plication, we treated the petioles(without any axillary bud)by electricity and phytohormones from 1977 to 1979, having a survival rate from 20% to 90%. In addition, we also succeeded in cultivating the petioles with water.
Journal of Beijing Normal University(Natural Science)