透明聚酯玻璃钢是复合材料,由聚酯树脂作粘结剂、玻璃布或玻璃毡作增强材料加工制成.它的光学性能决定于透明聚酯与玻璃纤维的构造.理论与实验证实,若聚酯的折射率与玻璃纤维的折射率一致,透明性最好.玻璃纤维固体的折射率是相对稳定的,而聚酯的折射率在相当大的范围内可以调整,Boenig 在《不饱和聚酯》一书中报导,早在1953年Joseph 就指出,可以用单体(如苯乙烯)
In order to produce polyester composition with refractive index equal to that of the fibreglass used,a condition necessary for getting plastic with maximum transparency,an equation has been proposed on the basis of the addition relation between the refractive index of the unsaturated polyester and that of the cross-linking agent: n_(pr)=n_p·y+[n_A·x+n_B(1-x)](1-y) where n_(pr),n_p,n_A,n_B is the polyester resin,polyester,cross-linking agent A and cross-linking agent B respectively,x and y denote the percentage composition of cross-linking agent and resin respectively.By varying x and y,the desired n_(pr),can be obtained.
Journal of Beijing Normal University(Natural Science)