快中子辐照在抗菌素产生菌育种上的应用,早已引起人们的重视.1945年,Myers 和Hanson 曾用42英寸迥旋加速器产生的快中子处理青霉素产生菌.1962年,Alikanian 用10—40千拉德剂量的快中子处理红霉素产生菌(Actinomyces erythreus)。
In this paper the effects of neutron irradiation to antibiotic-producers with neutron beam of 14 MeV generated by a generator are described.The source intensity N_n is measured by the associated particle method and the neutron fluence φ is calculated by following formula: φ=(Nn)/(4πγ~2)t The appropriate fluence range for some antibiotic-producer has been found in a lot of experiments for these years and the relation between the dosage and the death rate of antibiotic-producer has been studied. In the process of neutron irradiation for antibiotic-producer,the mor- phological variation can lead to an obviously increased production.For exa- mple,in the case of streptomyces liolnenses,the average output can be raised by 20%. The generation of antibiotic by radiation may be one of the best ways for mutation breeding.
Journal of Beijing Normal University(Natural Science)