近二十年来对无机离子交换剂研究较多的是多价金属磷酸盐和杂多酸盐,然而这些交换剂在实际应用时存在一定问题,磷钼酸铵(AMP)是微晶体,不直接按用于柱式操作.曾经有人将其沉淀在石棉或硅胶上装柱使用,结果由于柱体积增大,降低了使用价值.文献[4,5]还报导了使用粘合剂和有机胺使 AMP 成粒状,但洗脱很困难,不能用于137Cs 的回收.多价金属磷酸盐淋洗回收容易,但交换容量比 AMP 低。
In order to develop an ion exchanger for recovery ^(137)Cs,some new complex, Titanium phosphate-AMP,Tin phosphate-AMP and Zirconium phosphate- AMP,are prepared by the reaction of phosphates with Molybdate solution. During the optimazation of the preparing phosphates,the effects of the time and temperature of drying,the time of ageing (in mother liquor),and the concentration ratio of reacting substances were investigated. The conditions of synthesis and the ion exchange properties of the prod- ucts are investigated.The experiments are also carried out on the recovery of ^(137)Cs from simulation solution of acidic waste,using 1 AW as an indicator. The redioactive purity of recovered ^(137)Cs was checked by means of gam- ma spectrometry and radiochemical means.
Journal of Beijing Normal University(Natural Science)