
Spatial analysis of various multiplex cinema types

Spatial analysis of various multiplex cinema types
摘要 This study identifies the spatial charactenstics and relationships of each used space according to the multiplex type. In this study, multiplexes are classified according to screen rooms and circulation systems, and each used space is quantitatively analyzed. The multiplex type based on screen rooms and moving line systems influences the relationship and characteristics of each used space in various ways. In particular, the structure of the used space of multiplexes has a significant effect on orofit generation and audience convenience. This study identifies the spatial charactenstics and relationships of each used space according to the multiplex type. In this study, multiplexes are classified according to screen rooms and circulation systems, and each used space is quantitatively analyzed. The multiplex type based on screen rooms and moving line systems influences the relationship and characteristics of each used space in various ways. In particular, the structure of the used space of multiplexes has a significant effect on orofit generation and audience convenience.
出处 《Frontiers of Architectural Research》 CSCD 2016年第1期63-73,共11页 建筑学研究前沿(英文版)
关键词 Multiplex Space anatysis Area share INTEGRATION ISOVIST Multiplex Space anatysis Area share Integration Isovist
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