

Lu Xun's Spiritual Trajectory: the Shift from “I Should” to “I Do” and “I Am”
摘要 尼采以骆驼、狮子和孩童三种变形分别对应"我应该""我愿意""我是",阐释了精神自被动承受到主动创造的三级跳。纵观鲁迅的一生,也可以看出从"我应该"的律令遵从,到进入"我愿意"的自由选择,最后到"我是"的自我肯定的精神轨迹,呈现出这一精神界战士追寻自我的艰难旅程和复杂内蕴,同时在其写作中也留下了浓重的转变痕迹,从听将领到听从内心,从预设的广大读者到为自己写作,可以看出鲁迅精神逐渐冲破束缚走向自由创造的历程。 With deformation of camels, lions and children to represent respectively the spirit of “I should”, “I do”, and “I am”, Nietzsche illustrates the triple jump of spirit from passive suffering to active creation. A general survey of Lu Xun’s life reveals that he underwent the spirit trajectory from the imperative compliance of “I should”, to the free choice of “I do”, and finally to the self-approval of “I am”. The trajectory presents the hard journey Lu Xun took as a spiritual fighter when he was pursuing self and its complex connotation. Meanwhile, the trajectory has an impact on his writing. Lu Xu changed from wring for others to writing for his own heart, from writing for default readers to writing for himself. It can be found that Lu Xun gradually broke the spiritual bondage and reached the freedom to create.
作者 王燕
出处 《温州大学学报(社会科学版)》 2016年第2期95-101,共7页 Journal of Wenzhou University:Social Science Edition
关键词 鲁迅 精神 我应该 我愿意 我是 转变 Lu Xun Spirit I Should I Do I Am Shift
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