
关于加强和改进新形势下工会工作的研究 被引量:2

A Study on Strengthening and Improving Labor Unions' Work under the New Situation
摘要 近年来,特别是山东省工会十四大以来,我省工会把"加强、改进、提高"作为工作总基调,取得了一系列突破和进展。当前,我省加强和改进工会工作面临以下突出问题:一是加强思想引领的方式方法有待完善;二是维护职工合法权益的实效性有待提高;三是基层基础薄弱问题有待解决;四是作风建设有待改进;五是干部队伍建设有待加强。加强和改进新形势下工会工作的对策建议:一是进一步把正方向、强化引领,切实把广大职工紧密地团结在党的周围。二是进一步围绕中心、服务大局,切实发挥工人阶级主力军作用。三是进一步突出维权、强化服务,切实提高服务职工、维护职工合法权益的能力水平。四是进一步加强基层、夯实基础,切实增强工会组织生机活力。五是进一步改革创新、破解难题,切实增强工会组织的凝聚力和战斗力。 For the past few years, especially since the 14th Labor Union in Shandong Province, our labor union has taken“Strengthening, Improvementand Advance”as the keynote of work, and made a series of breakthroughs and progresses.Currently, our province is facing with the following outstanding issues: firstly, the way of strengthening ideological guidance needs to be perfected;secondly, the effectiveness of protecting worker’s legitimate rights and interests needs to be enhanced; thirdly, the weak parts in grassroots basicwork need to be solved; fourthly, the construction of working style needs to be improved; finally, the building of cadres team needs to be reinforced.There are some suggestions about enhancing and improving labor unions’work under the new situation. Firstly, take the right direction further,promote the guidance and unite all workers closely around Chinese Communist Party. Secondly, focus on the central task, serve overall interests further,and effectively play working classes’roles as the main force. Thirdly, highlight the importance of protecting legal rights further, strengthen theservice and improve capacity of servicing workers and protecting their legitimate rights and interests. Fourthly, facilitate grassroots units further, laythe groundwork, and exactly increase energy of labor unions organizations. Finally, make reform and innovation further, solve tough issues and reinforcecohesiveness and fighting capacity of labor unions organizations.
机构地区 山东省总工会
出处 《山东工会论坛》 2016年第2期9-15,共7页 Shandong Trade Unions' Tribune
基金 山东省总工会 山东工人运动研究会2015年全省工会理论政策调研课题 获评山东省总工会 山东工人运动研究会2015年度全省工会理论政策重点调研课题一等奖
关键词 工会十四大 工会工作思路 职工权益 工会凝聚力 the 14th Labor Union work ideas of labor unions rights and interests of workers cohesiveness of labor unions
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