[目的]观察麻杏石甘汤加减辨证分型治疗幼儿支气管肺炎疗效。[方法]使用前瞻性设计方法,64例(住院/门诊)患者麻杏石甘汤(炙麻黄、炒杏仁各3g,生石膏9g,前胡4g,川贝3g,黄芩4g,桔梗3g,生姜2g,炙甘草3g),风热闭肺(炙麻黄4.5g,麻黄:石膏之比1:3,加二花、连翘各5g),痰热闭肺(炙麻黄4g,石膏20g,麻黄:石膏之比1:5,加瓜蒌、葶苈子各5g,半夏2g),阴虚肺热(养阴清肺。加麦冬3g,沙参、梨皮各4g),肺脾气虚(加炒白术4g,云苓3g,太子参4g),1剂/d,水煎200m L,分2-4次口服;连续治疗3d为1疗程。观测临床症状、不良反应。治疗1疗程,判定疗效。[结果]痊愈34例,好转26例,无效4例,总有效率93.75%。急性发作期,痊愈22例,好转18例,无效2例,总有效率95.23%。迁延期,痊愈12例,好转8例,无效2例,总有效率88.90%。[结论]麻杏石甘汤加减辨证分型治疗幼儿支气管肺炎,疗效满意,无严重不良反应,值得推广。
[Objective]To observe Maxing shigan soup treatment the clinical effective of infant bronchial pneumonia.[Methods]Choosing 64 cases of patients with infant bronchial pneumonia who have been treated with Maxing shigan soup by using a forward-looking design method. The composition of Maxing shigan soup are3 g ephedra, 3g almond, 3g honey-fried,9g gypsum,4g hogfennel, 3g fritillaria,4g scutellaria baicalensis, 3g platycoclon grandiflorum and 2g ginger.These cases are divided into four groups according to different syndrome, such as wind and heat blocking the lung syndrome, phlegm-heat obstracting lungs, yin deficiency and lung heat syndrome, deficiency of both lung and spleen. One dose a day. Decoction of 200 m L, 2 to 4 times of oral. Treatment for 3 consecutive days for a period of treatment. To observe the clinical symptoms and adverse reaction. After a period of treatment to treat it that can judge curative effect.[Results]34 cases of patients get cured, 26 cases have a sign of improvement, 4 cases are no avail, the general effectiveness rate arrives at 93.75 percent. Acute attack of bronchial pneumonia in infant, 22 cases of patients get cured, 8 cases have a sign of improvement,2 cases are no avail, the general effectiveness rate arrives at 95.23 percent. Lag phases of bronchial pneumonia, 12 cases of patients get cured, 8 cases have a sign of improvement, 2 cases are no avail, the general effectiveness rate arrives at 88.9 percent. [Conclusion] This method curative effect is distinct and it's no severe bad reaction, worthy of promotion.
Journal of Practical Traditional Chinese Internal Medicine
Infant bronchial pneumonia
Maxing ganshi soup
Syndrome differentiation type
Wind-heat blocking the lung syndrome
Phlegm-heat obstracting lungs
Yin deficiency and lung heat syndrome
Deficiency of both lung and spleen
TCM medicine treatment
Clinical observation