
反酒后驾车广告的说服效果:规避伤害与克制冲动 被引量:2

The Effectiveness of Anti-Drinking and Driving Advertisements:Harm Prevention and Impulsive Restraint
摘要 酒后驾车对家庭和社会造成巨大危害,各国政府通过法律限制和广告宣传减少人们的酒驾行为。以往对于反酒后驾车广告的研究主要基于恐惧诉求理论,探讨不同伤害后果反酒驾主题广告的有效性。有鉴于酒驾是一种冲动、冒险的行为,本研究提出并检验了约束效能主题的反酒驾广告的说服效果。采用独立设计的反酒驾广告,选取有驾照的普通大众作为调查样本,本研究发现自我约束、朋友约束和模范人物约束主题的反酒驾广告可以有效地降低受众的酒驾意向,同时约束效能主题的反酒驾广告和传统的伤害后果主题的反酒驾广告在说服效果上没有显著差异。不同约束主题的反酒驾广告对不同形式约束效能的拒绝酒驾意向的影响作用不同。此外,在使用约束效能主题的广告时需要注意"约束"可能造成的反弹效应,避免出现适得其反的结果。 The drinking and driving behavior causes enormous harm to families and society Governments then try to prevent people from drinking and driving by laws and advertisements Previous anti-drinking and driving advertisement researches mainly addressed the effectiveness of them with various harms based on the fear appeal theory. Due to the drinking and driving is an impulsive and risk behavior, this paper thus proposes and tests another type of anti-drinking and driving advertisement, namely restrain efficacy. The study selects independently designed advertisements and people who own driver license as investigative sample. The results show that self-restraint, friend-restraint and exemplar-restraint anti-drinking and driving advertisements are efficient in decreasing drinking and driving intension, and there is no difference in the effectiveness of persuasion between restraint and harm anti-drinking and driving advertisements. The different types of restraint advertisements play different roles in decreasing the drinking and driving intension. Also, it should be noticed that restraint anti-drinking and driving advertisements might cause some rebound effect in case of counter results.
出处 《国际新闻界》 CSSCI 北大核心 2016年第3期114-132,共19页 Chinese Journal of Journalism & Communication
基金 国家自然科学基金面上项目(项目批准号:71372076)的阶段性成果~~
关键词 酒后驾驶 反酒驾广告 伤害后果主题 约束效能主题 drinking and driving, anti-drinking and driving advertisements, harm theme, restraint theme
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