
海湾水库蓄水初期的单次往复密度流 被引量:1

Single alternating density currents during initial impoundment of estuarine reservoirs
摘要 为了探讨海湾水库蓄水初期单次往复水平密度流的产生与效应,进行砂质斜坡沉积物与水体之间盐分交换的水槽实验。通过沉积物孔隙水与其上覆水的多剖面电导率动态监测,分析盐分的时空分布特征,并计算深水区、浅水区和中心区的边界层单位面积含盐总量。实验结果显示,进水在浅水区沉积物表面产生明显的渗入-溢出现象,浅水区沉积物孔隙水盐分浓度显著低于中心区与深水区同一高度的盐分浓度,深水区初始底边界层含盐量与初始边界层下边界盐分浓度均为最高;这表明进水过程在倾斜沉积物表面产生了前进密度流,水流携带的盐分在坡底累积。水槽进满水后深水区边界层含盐总量与边界层下边界盐分浓度快速降低,并且浅水区表层沉积物孔隙水与深水区同一深度水体之间的盐分快速达到平衡;这表明蓄水初期在两者之间形成了返回密度流,从浅水区表层沉积物冲刷出的盐分在密度流作用下再次进入沉积物。为避免再次进入沉积物的盐分在后期继续影响水库泛咸,建议在蓄水结束后尽快实施坡底咸水排除方案。 To explore the occurrence and effects of single alternating density currents during initial impoundment of estuarine reservoirs,we conducted flume experiments to simulate the exchange of salts between sloped sediments and water. We monitored the conductivity profiles of sediment porewater and the water overlying the sediments. Thereby,we analyzed the spatio-temporal distribution of salts,and computed the total salt mass per unit area( SPA) of the benthic boundary layer( BBL) in different zones. The results show that the inflows infiltrate and flow through the surface sediment in the shallow zone. The salt concentration of sediment porewater in the shallow zone was significantly lower than that of water in the middle and profundal zones at the same depth. The SPA in the BBL and salt concentration of water near the sediment-water interface in the profundal zone at the zero hour were both the highest among the three zones. These evidences indicate that density currents moving down sloped sediments are generated and then may have resulted in the accumulation of salts in the profundal zone. After the flume is filled with water,SPA in the BBL and salt concentration near the sediment-water interface in the profundal zone rapidly decrease. Salts reach equilibrium quickly between the water in the profundal zone and the porewater of surface sediment in the shallow zone. These facts indicate that the currents originate in the profundal zone and flow into the sediments of the shallow zone. The salts so released from the sediments in the shallow zone eventually go back into the same sediments. To prevent the salts from going back into the sediments and continuing to affect the salinization of the reservoir,the accumulated salty water in the profundal zone should be discharged regularly after the estuarine reservoir is impounded.
出处 《水科学进展》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2016年第1期81-87,共7页 Advances in Water Science
基金 国家自然科学基金资助项目(51279075) 山东省自然科学基金资助项目(ZR2009EQ001)~~
关键词 海湾水库 密度流 往复流 斜坡沉积物 咸化 estuarine reservoir density current alternating current sloped sediment sanilization
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