
儿童感染性休克氧代谢监测与液体复苏 被引量:8

Focus parameters of oxygen metabolism in the diagnosis and treatment of shock on progress
摘要 根据关键词检索相关文献综述氧代谢监测在休克诊治中的进展。血流动力学监测的重要性就体现在对监测结果的正确解读,并同时根据正确的解读结果采取相应的处理策略。休克的实质为全身组织灌注不足导致组织缺氧和器官功能失调,血流动力学的本质是氧供和氧耗的失衡。休克液体复苏终点现越来越强调混合/中心静脉氧饱和度和血乳酸、乳酸清除率的监测。 Search relative literature according to key words, focus parameters of oxygen metabolism in the diag- nosis and treatment of shock on progress. The importance of hemodynamic monitoring is reflected in the correct interpre- tation of the monitoring results and takes simultaneously the appropriate treatment strategy according to the correct inter- pretation of the resuhs. Tile essence of the shock is body tissue hypoperfusion, which result in tissue hypoxia and organ dysfunction, the essence of the hemodynamic imbalance is the imbalance of oxygen supply and oxygen consumption. The end point of the fluid resuscitation for shock is now increasing emphasis on monitoring mixed / central venous oxygen saturation and the concentration of blood lactate, the rate of lactate clearance.
作者 许煊
出处 《中华实用儿科临床杂志》 CSCD 北大核心 2016年第6期404-407,共4页 Chinese Journal of Applied Clinical Pediatrics
关键词 氧动力学 休克 监测指标 氧代谢 儿童 Oxygen dynamics Shock Monitoring Oxygen metabolism Child
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