
英国16-24岁残疾人支持性实习及启示 被引量:1

The Introduction and Implications to British Supported Internship for 16-24 Year-Old Disabled Young People
摘要 英国支持性实习是英国教育部为解决残疾人就业问题而提出的一个学习计划。支持性实习以帮助16-24岁有学习困难或者残疾的青少年获得有偿工作为首要目的,以学校为主要发起人,通过与企业单位合作的方式,为残疾青少年寻找实习机会,并帮助其找到有偿工作。本文主要介绍英国支持性实习产生的背景、运作过程,即招募实习生,寻找实习单位,进行工作匹配,创建支持性实习团队,提供支持,以及开展支持性实习的方式等;同时,结合我国残疾人就业状况和残疾人职业教育的情况,提出对我国残疾人就业的一点启示。 The supported internship advocated by the Department for Education in the UK is such a study program for disabled young people when hunting for jobs, whose overriding objective is to obtain a sustainable paid employment. The supported intern- ship is initiated by schools which is cooperated with various enterprises in order to help the disabled young people get a paid em- ployment. This paper mainly illustrates the background information of supported internship, delivering ways and its operational process, that is, recruiting interns and employers, job matching and establishing a team, and finally providing support. The paper also provides some implications for our country combining the current situation of the employment of disabled young people in China
出处 《现代特殊教育》 2016年第6期33-40,共8页 Modern Special Education
关键词 英国 16—24岁残疾人 支持性实习 British 16 -24 year-old disabled young people supported internship
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