以厦门湾海岸带为研究区,基于1989年与1997年Landsat TM、2010年SPOT5遥感影像,在遥感和GIS技术支持下,建立了厦门湾海岸带景观类型空间数据库。运用景观类型变化表征模型与景观格局指数方法,对近22年来研究区景观格局变化时空动态特征进行了定量分析。研究结果表明:厦门湾海岸带景观格局发生了较大的变化。农用地面积持续减少且降幅最显著,而城镇用地与建设用地则快速扩展;其中前者由占总面积的72.75%下降到30.67%,后者由占总面积的4.60%上升到38.97%。土地利用类型之间、以及各土地利用类型与滨海湿地之间的动态转化频繁,土地利用类型之间的转化以农用地和滨海湿地向城镇用地与建设用地转化为主。在1989—1997年农用地净转出面积为13862.55 hm2,滨海湿地转出面积为4268.82 hm2;在1997—2010年农用地转出达到20910.24 hm2,典型滨海则转出5931.64 hm2。在景观水平尺度上,景观格局向着多样化方向发展,景观的异质性增强,景观破碎化程度加深。景观格局变化的驱动因素主要为社会经济发展与政策调整。
In the present study, the coastal zone of Xiamen Bay was chosen as the study area and a spatial information database of land use was established, based on Landsat TM image(in 1989 and 1997) and SPOT5 images(in 2010) aided by the RS and GIS techniques. We quantified the spatial-temporal dynamic characteristics of land use in this area from 1989 to 2010, using the models of land use dynamic degree, transition matrix of land use types, and index method of landscape pattern as well. The results showed that the land use pattern of this area changed conspicuously during the study period. Farmland decreased continuously in large scale, decreasing from 72.75% to 30.67%, while the land for urban and construction use expanded rapidly, increasing from 4.6% to 38.97%. There was frequent conversion among different types of land use, and between land use and typical wetlands types. The conversion between land use types was mainly characterized by the conversion from farmland and typical wetland to urban and construction land use. Among them, the net transferred area of the farmland and typical wetland was 13862.55 and 4268.82 hectares respectively during 1989-1997. In the period of 1997 to 2010, the number arose to 20910.24 and 5931.64 hectares. Landscape pattern tended to diversify at landscape scale, meanwhile landscape heterogeneity increased, and the fragmentation degree deepened. Local socioeconomic development and readjustment of policies were the main driving forces for the dynamic changes of land use pattern.
Ecological Science
Xiamen bay
coastal zone
landscape pattern
spatial-temporal changes