
论当代营销观的演变逻辑 被引量:1

On the Development of Modern Marketing Concept
摘要 随着消费时代的来临,市场营销进入一个顾客至上的时代。然而,由于单纯的顾客导向难以解决消费者眼前需要与社会长远利益的冲突,因而营销在某种程度上需要超越消费者个人的偏好,尽可能实现客户导向与产品导向,以及生产者、消费者与所处社会、自然环境的协调与平衡。基于顾客导向中所存在的"交易性质"和"打了就跑"的短期行为,关系营销概念的出现,意味着企业应该通过建立良好的互惠合作关系而获利;相应地,营销也不再只是营销部门的独占领地,而应包括组织运作中所有部门和所有方面的流程。面对当今日趋芜杂的"营销学丛林",营销理论出现了从"分立"走向"整合"的趋势。可以预期,就在这种不断的分立和整合中,营销理论才得以进一步拓展。 With the advent of consumption era, marketing enters the customer-oriented era. However, the simple customer-orientation is difficult to solve the conflict between the immediate needs of consumers and the long-term interests of society, and therefore marketing should go beyond consumer's personal preference to some extent, and go all out for balancing and coordinating the relationship between customer-oriented and product-oriented and the relationship between producers and consumers and the social and natural environment. Since there are many short-term behaviors in customer-orientation, the appearance of the concept of relationship- marketing means that enterprises should establish a good relationship of mutual cooperation and benefit so as to earn profit; accordingly, the marketing is a set including all operating sectors and all aspects instead of exclusive territory of marketing departments. Faced with today's miscellaneous "marketing jungle", the marketing theory starts to change from discrete into consolidated. It is expected that the marketing theory is able to further expand in this discrete and consolidated trend.
作者 彭新武
出处 《北京行政学院学报》 CSSCI 北大核心 2016年第2期98-104,共7页 Journal of Beijing administration institute
基金 国家社会科学基金重点项目(13AGL001) 中国人民大学科学研究基金重大项目(15XNL033)
关键词 营销组合 顾客导向 交易 关系 整合 marketing mix customer-oriented transactions relationship integration
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