
清初北方士人书画鉴藏家群体及交往——以孙承泽为中心的考察 被引量:1

Scholar-Official Connoisseur Circle in North China during Early Qing Dynasty:A Case Study of Sun Chengze
摘要 明末清初,由于战争的破坏,致使延续百年的苏州、嘉兴、徽州等江南一带士人书画鉴藏家群体走向衰落。而在北方,以孙承泽为领袖的士人们积极搜寻流落于市的故国文物,北方士人鉴藏家群体随之兴盛起来。孙承泽藏品丰富,鉴赏能力高,对清初北方鉴藏家有着范式的影响力,故士大夫们能突破不同身份的壁垒乐从之游,如王铎、周亮工、曹溶、梁清标、宋荦、王文荪等等。他们或各取所需互换藏品,或往来雅集借画赏画,或为彼此的藏品鉴定题跋,形成了一个良性互动的书画交往圈。清初北方鉴藏家群体的兴盛,从清朝建国到乾隆初年,共历一百余年左右。乾隆初年,皇家大力搜求民间书画,致使私人手中藏品大多流进清内府,北方士人鉴藏家群体重又走进低谷。 As a result of wars, the centuries-long tradition of calligraphy and painting connoisseurship in the Jiangnan region, including in Suzhou, Jiaxing and Huizhou, was dying during the late Ming to early Qing dynasty. At the same time, north China saw the emergence of a group of connoisseurs, formed among scholar-officials with Sun Chengze as the leader, who took efforts to collect objects of special significance from the lost homeland. Sun was known for an extensive collection and brilliant connoisseurship and therefore had far-reaching influences on other connoisseurs in the north. He befriended with many scholar-officials, such as Wang Duo, Zhou Lianggong, Cao Rong, Liang Qingbiao, Song Luo and Wang Wensun. They exchanged collections, viewed paintings at literati's gatherings or commented on each others' collections. Such a northern connoisseur circle existed for more than 100 years from the establishment of the Qing dynasty until the early Qianlong reign, when most of private collections became part of the imperial collection.
作者 李永
出处 《中国国家博物馆馆刊》 CSSCI 北大核心 2016年第3期103-113,共11页 Journal of National Museum of China
关键词 清初 书画鉴藏 北方鉴藏家群体 孙承泽 Early Qing dynasty calligraphy and painting connoisseurship connoisseur circle in north China Sun Chengze
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  • 1现藏北京故宫博物院的宋人摹顾恺之《靳琴图》王鹏冲题款.
  • 2梁清标.《蕉林诗集》,《清代诗文集汇编》,第77册,第256页.
  • 3卞永誉.《式古堂书画汇考》卷二十五,《中国书画全书》第六册,上海书画出版社,2009年,第597页.
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  • 5李良年.《秋锦山房集》卷二十一,《清代诗文集汇编》,第137册,第357页.
  • 6王铎.《跋米芾天马赋》,《王铎书法墨迹汇编》,荣宝斋出版社,1995年,第60页.
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  • 9《漫堂年谱》康熙二十一年条,《北京图书馆藏珍本年谱丛刊》,第82册,北京图书馆出版社,1999年,第329页.
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