
中国机场噪声收费通用模型及实例研究 被引量:3

Study of Chinese Airport Generic Noise Charging Model and Case
摘要 随着中国民航业的不断发展,机场噪声问题日益突出,机场周边居民对机场噪声的抵制意识也越来越强烈,实行机场噪声收费已成为解决中国机场噪声问题的趋势所在。为解决中国机场与周边居民日益加深的噪声矛盾,对国际民航组织与欧盟的机场噪声收费政策以及世界各国的典型机场噪声收费模型进行了深入地研究,并在此基础上提出了中国通用的噪声收费模型,同时将此模型用于广州白云机场进行实例研究,并对不同机型的噪声收费情况进行了分析,得出了在广州白云机场运营的各机型在不同的起降模式下的噪声收费水平。 With the continuous development of civil aviation industry of China,airport noise problems have become increasingly prominent,the resisted awareness of residents living in the surrounding airport is also growing strongly,the implementation of airport noise charge has become a trend to solve the noise problem of the airport. In order to solve the increasing noise contradiction between airports and the surrounding residents. This article studies the pricing policy of ICAO and the EU about airport noise as well as typical airport noise charge model of the world,and on this basis proposed fee model of general noise. The model is used to conduct a case study of Guangzhou Baiyun airport,and the noise charges of different aircraft type were analyzed,the different level of fees in all kinds of aircraft type which operate in several patterns were obtained in Guangzhou Baiyun airport.
作者 王维 匡代厅
出处 《北京航空航天大学学报(社会科学版)》 2016年第2期70-76,90,共8页 Journal of Beijing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics:Social Sciences edition Edition
关键词 机场噪声 噪声收费 收费模型 国际民航组织 白云机场 airport noise noise charge charge model International Civil Aviation Organization(ICAO) Baiyun airport
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