
熵理论及其在水文水资源中的应用研究 被引量:1

Entropy Theory and Its Application in Hydrology and Water Resources
摘要 水文水资源系统是一个复杂的非线性系统,研究水资源系统中的不确定信息以及水文事件的相关性属性具有重要意义。熵理论是进行水文不确定性度量和相关性分析的有效方法。本文综述了最大熵原理和基于熵理论的相关性分析方法,探究了其在水文水资源学科中的应用,分析了其特点、优势和存在的问题,并对熵理论今后的研究方向进行了展望。 Hydrology and water resources system is a complex and nonlinear system. It is of great significance to study how to deal with the uncertainty in water resources system and analyze the correlation among hydrological variables. Entropy theory can measure the uncertainty of hydrological information and analyze the dependences among hydrological variables. In this paper, the principle of maximum entropy(POME) and the correlation analysis method based on entropy theory were introduced. The application of entropy theory in hydrology and water resources was reviewed. The characteristics, advantages and disadvantages of these methods were analyzed. Finally, the future research on entropy theory and its application in hydrology and water resources was discussed.
出处 《水资源研究》 2016年第1期23-32,共10页 Journal of Water Resources Research
基金 国家自然科学基金项目(51309104、51539009) 武汉市科技支撑项目(2014060101010064)
关键词 水文水资源 熵理论 最大熵原理 相关性分析 应用研究 Hydrology and Water Resources Entropy Theory Principle of Maximum Entropy Correlation Analysis Application
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