
对原文题名作为统一题名的思考 被引量:2

Reflection on Taking Original Title as Uniform Title
摘要 就中文译著编目而言,设置统一题名主要是为了集中同一原著的不同中文译本。由于以原文题名作为统一题名既不利于汇集全部中文译本,也不便于读者检索文献,还可能造成虽拥有统一题名但并无汇集必要的现象,所以应选取最为常见的中文译名作为统一题名。 For bibliographic description of a work in Chinese translation, uniform title is mainly used to pool varying translations of the same original work. It is not suitable to choose original title as uniform title, which is of less convenience for information retrieval and might lead to no clustering. Therefore, it is suggested to choose the most common Chinese title as the uniform title.
作者 邓福泉
出处 《图书馆论坛》 CSSCI 北大核心 2016年第4期88-90,共3页 Library Tribune
关键词 原文题名 统一题名 中文译本500字段题名检索点 original title uniform title Chinese translation field 500 access point
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