
以政策工具创新推进公共教育改革--基于纽约市教育局的经验 被引量:15

Promote the Reform of Public Education through Policy Instrument Innovation
摘要 政策工具是政府为实现特定的政策目标而运用的手段与机制,作为联结政策目标和政策结果的桥梁,具有价值负载、目标导向和间接作用三个特点。根据核心价值和作用机制,可将政策工具分为五类,即权威性、市场化、社会化、管理性和综合创新型工具。本世纪以来,纽约市公立学校系统进行了剧烈改革,期间创造性地广泛运用了上述各类工具,对推动改革起到了关键作用。纽约市相关实践对中国基础教育具有启示意义。 Policy instrument is the means and mechanism of government to achieve specific objectives, it is a bridge to link policy goals and results, with value-loaded, goal-oriented and indirect effect as its three characteristics. According to core value and the function mechanism, policy instruments can be divided into five categories, namely authoritative instruments, market- oriented instruments, social instruments, managerial instruments, and comprehensive innovative instruments. Since this century, New York City public school system carried out drastic reforms, creatively applied the above all kinds of instruments which played a key role for promoting the reform. New York City' s related reform practice has implications for China education.
作者 胡仲勋 俞可
出处 《全球教育展望》 CSSCI 北大核心 2016年第3期81-89,共9页 Global Education
基金 上海地方高校大文科研究生学术新人培育计划课题“纽约市教育改革中的政策工具创新与运用”(项目编号:B-6002-13-003038)资助
关键词 教育改革 政策工具 创新 分类框架 education reform policy instrument innovation classification framework
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