
美国NBPTS职业技术教育优秀教师专业标准的新发展 被引量:4

A Study on the New Development in Career and Technical Education Standards of NBPTS
摘要 为适应职业技术教育领域在实践与研究方面的最新发展,美国专业教学标准委员会对职业技术教育优秀教师专业标准进行了修订,以帮助学生更好地为接受中学后教育以及从事未来职业做好准备。新标准允许没有学士学位的教师参加职业技术教育优秀教师认证,鼓励招聘具有非传统教育及工作背景的职业技术教育教师,以突出职业技术教育的社会实践性。新标准将行业知识分为八个专业技术领域,职业技术教师可以从中任选某一领域参加认证。新标准的内容框架包括十个维度,这些标准构成了标准委员会职业技术教育优秀教师认证的基础。 National Board for Professional Teaching Standards in America had its Career and Technical Education Standards revised to adapt to the latest developments in practice and research in the field of Career and Technical Education. Career and Technical Education Standards plays an important role in helping students better prepare for post-secondary education and career in the future. The new standards allow teachers without a bachelor's degree to take part in accomplished teacher certification, and encourage the recruitment of teachers with non-traditional education and work background in order to highlight the social practice of career and technical education. The new standards contain eight specialty areas to accommodate the diverse industries, from which teachers can choose any particular area to participate in certification. The contents of new standards include ten dimensions, which form the basis of certification for accomplished teachers of career and technical education.
作者 陈德云
出处 《全球教育展望》 CSSCI 北大核心 2016年第3期90-99,共10页 Global Education
基金 国家社会科学基金“十二五”规划2014年度教育学课题《教师专业标准深度开发与实施策略的国际比较研究》(课题批准号:BDA140026)研究成果 临沂大学博士科研启动基金项目“美国高校国际化战略研究--基于美国加州三类高校的个案调查”研究成果
关键词 优秀教师专业教学标准 职业技术教育标准 美国 professional teaching standards for accomplished teachers career and technicaleducation standards America
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