随着信息技术和国际互联网的迅猛发展和普及 ,电子商务成为近年来的一个重要的热点。电子商务因其相对低廉的成本 ,无时空限制的经营方式和巨大的利润 ,吸引着越来越多的行业加入其中。随着制造业数字化的发展 ,电子商务在制造业的应用的时机日见成熟。为了电子商务在我国制造业中的推广和应用 ,笔者在论述电子商务和制造业数字化的发展的基础上 ,阐述了电子商务对制造业产生的影响 ,论述了制造业中电子商务的内容。
With the development of communication and the Internet technology, E-commerce is becoming a hot issue and has been applied to many fields because it is low in cost, operates without time or space limits, can protect environment and has potential profit. With the development of digitalization in the manufacturing industry, it is time that E-commerce should be applied to the manufacturing industry. The present situation of E-commerce and digitalization in the manufacturing industry are described, and the effectiveness of E-commerce in the manufacturing industry is expounded. Finally, the contents, function and steps to build an E-commerce in manufacturing business are presented.
Journal of Wuhan University of Technology:Information & Management Engineering