计算传递函数的本质就是多项式乘法 ,其结果取决于多项式的各项系数 ,因此程序的核心是处理两个多项式的系数。将多项式的各项系数存放在数组中为程序的循环控制提供了可能 ,利用对数组下标的运算来确定结果多项式的各项次数 ,利用对数组元素值的运算确定相应的各项系数。通过C语言程序实现级联系统的传递函数的计算 ,可以避免繁杂的手工运算 ,进而可以方便地使用MATLAB函数feedback( )。
The calculation of transfer functions is a multiplication for multinomial, whose results depend on their coefficients. The key issue of the program is to process these coefficients of the multinomial. To store the coefficients in arrays make it possible to control the loop of a program. Laborious operations can be avoided and the MATLAB function feedback can be used conveniently by using this designed C program. This C program can be regarded as a complementary to the control toolbox of MATLAB.
Journal of Wuhan University of Technology:Information & Management Engineering
国家自然科学基金资助项目 ( 5 0 175 0 84)