目的阐明青藏铁路贯通10年来青海省呼吸道传染病流行特征和趋势,为青海省"十三五规划"提供传染病防控科学依据,保障青海"两新"、"三区"目标的实现。方法对青海省2005-2014年呼吸道传染病疫情进行流行病学相关统计分析。结果 10年间青海省共报告呼吸道传染病9种97 181例,报告年均发病率为174.23/10万;共报告呼吸道传染病暴发疫情7种174起,发病5 559例。居前3位的病种依次为:肺结核、流行性腮腺炎和水痘,合计占呼吸道传染病发病总数的83.27%。9种呼吸道传染病与法定传染病发病总体趋势基本相同,城市、农业区和牧业区发病差异有统计学意义(χ~2=248.43,P〈0.05),高发于10~岁年龄组人群,职业以学生、农民和牧民为主。结论针对呼吸道传染病的重点病种、重点区域、重点时段、重点人群采取有的放矢的综合防控措施,是降低青海省传染病发病率并有效应对暴发疫情的有效途径。
Objective To clarify the epidemiological characteristics and tendency of the infectious respiratory diseases in Qinghai province through after the Qinghai- Tibet railway completed 10 years,to provide the scientific basis for the prevention and control of infectious diseases during the ‘Thirteen Five Plan' and ensure the realization of the ‘Two New', ‘Three Areas' goals. Methods Epidemiological related statistical method was used to analyze the data of the infectious respiratory diseases from2005 to 2014 in Qinghai province. Results In the past 10 years,9 kinds of the infectious respiratory disease involving 97 181 cases were reported,which the average annual incidence rate was 174. 23 /100 000,and also 7 kinds of 174 infectious respiratory disease outbreaks involved 5 559 cases had happened. The top 3 diseases were the pulmonary tuberculosis,mumps and varicella,which accounted for 83. 27% of total cases. The overall incidence tendency of the infectious respiratory disease and the legal infectious disease was roughly the same,and the disease incidence had statistically significant difference among the rural areas( χ~2= 248. 43,P 0. 05). Most of patients were in 10 years old age group,the occupation focused on students,farmers and herdsmen. Conclusions Adopt comprehensive prevention and control measures to key disease,key areas,key time,focus groups of the infectious respiratory disease can effectively reduce the incidence rate of infectious disease and respond to infectious disease outbreaks in Qinghai province.
Journal of Medical Pest Control
Infectious respiratory disease
Qinghai-Tibet Railway
Epidemic analysis
'Thirteen Five Plan'