干眼是眼表免疫稳态失衡所致的炎症性疾病.由泪膜、角结膜上皮、睑板腺、泪腺以及联络它们的神经通路共同组成的泪腺功能单位(lacrimal functional unit,LFU)是维持眼表生理稳态的完整系统,任何影响这一系统的因素都可以干扰眼表免疫平衡机制引发炎症反应,并最终导致干眼的发生.研究发现,Th细胞及其相关因子在干眼炎症过程中发挥了重要作用,影响Th细胞分化或Th细胞相关因子的异常表达可以控制眼表炎症反应,有助于恢复眼表免疫稳态,有效抑制干眼病理改变和缓解临床症状.
Dry eye is a multiple factor disease characterized by chronic and persistent inflammation on the ocular surface,which is due to the disruption of normal immunoregulatory mechanism of the lacrimal functional unit (LFU),which composed of tear film,corneal and conjunctival epithelium,meibomian gland,lacrimal gland and their related nerve tract.Studies show that T helper cells (Th cells) subsets-derived pro-inflammatory cytokines and chemokines play crucial role in the ocular surface inflammation.Antiinflammatory treatments aim at reconstructing the ocuar immunohomeostasis by inhibiting inflammatory cytokines in both clinical trials and animal models are effective in treating dry eye.
International Review of Ophthalmology