

Analysis of the posterrior fossa in 8 patients with the Chiari O malformation and literature review
摘要 【摘要】目的结合文献复习探讨Chiari O型患者经有限后颅窝减压术的术后疗效。方法收集2013年1月-2015年1月在山西省人民医院神经外科符合诊断标准确诊为Chiari O型患者8例,患者均采用有限后颅窝减压术给予治疗,采用Tator标准评价,分为明显改善、部分改善、无明显变化,以评估术后疗效。结果8例Chiari O型患者行后颅窝有限减压手术后,患者临床症状明显改善,术后1周MRI回报脊髓空洞均较术前明显缩小,术后3个月、1年门诊随访复查MRI示脊髓空洞较术后1周无明显变化,症状未见恶化。结论有限后颅窝减压术对Chiari0型伴脊髓空洞症的患者可能是合理、有效的术式之一。 Objective To discuss the postoperative efficacy of postoperative fossa decompression on patients with Chiar O type combined with the literature review. Methods A retrospective analysis of 8 patients fufilled the criteria for Chiari malformation Type O were surgically treated between Jan. 2013 and Jan. 2015 in Shanxi Provincial People's Hospital, and then observed the patients' postoperative efficacyaccording to Tarot evaluation criteria. Results After 8 patients were performed by posterior fossa decompression, their clinical symptoms improved significantly, postoperative sagittal MR image with 1 weeks after operation revealing significantly decreased syringomyelia. In March and 1 years after surgery, the patients were followed up and the MRI showed no significant changes in the 1 week after surgery, and the symptoms were not deteriorated. Conclusions Posterior fossa decompression may be one of reasonable and effective operation for Chiari malformation Type O patients. This paper will be discussing with the observing the patient's postoperative efficacy and the past related literature.
出处 《国际外科学杂志》 2016年第2期100-102,F0003,共4页 International Journal of Surgery
关键词 CHIARI畸形 脊髓空洞症 颅窝 外科手术 Chiari malformation Syringomyelia Cranial fossa, posterior Surgical procedures, operative
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