

The Evolution of Biographical Argument and Praising Writing in Historical Biography and the Form of Parallel Prose in the Six Dynasties
摘要 骈文是由传统散文发展而成的一种特殊文体,讲究对偶、藻饰、用典与声律等四种形式要素。它萌芽于先秦,生长于两汉,形成于魏晋,成熟于六朝。这一发展过程正是通过对四要素的追求一步步实现的。它不仅可以通过传统散文的骈化得以完成,而且可以通过史传论赞的骈化呈现出来。《史记》论赞句式灵活,长短交错,参差不齐,属于典型的散体形式。《汉书》论赞稍加雕琢辞藻,句式较整齐,四言句增多,趋向骈俪化。《三国志》论赞的句式更为整齐均匀,词义亦并列对称,排比句、对偶句较常见。《后汉书》论赞颇为讲究文采与对偶,初步注意到音韵,形式趋于完美,骈化倾向更明显。《宋书》《南齐书》及《魏书》的论赞不但句式整齐,而且讲究声律、用典,不少篇章都属于成熟的骈文。 The parallel prose was a special style which came from the traditional prose and strived for four kinds of form elelments such as antithesis,rhetoric,allusion and rhythm. It originated in the pre- Qin Dynasty,growing in the two Han Dynasties,forming in the Wei and Jin Dynasties,becoming mature in the Six Dynasties. The development process was gradually realized by means of the pursuit of the four elements. It was completed not only through the dualization of the traditional prose,but also through the dualization of the biographical argument and praising writing in historical biography. The sentence patterns of biographical argument and praising writing in Historical Records were flexible which contained long and short sentences and belonged to the the typical form of free style. The articles which slightly carved rhetoric in The Book of History in the Han Dynasty had neat sentence pattern and more four- word sentences and went to dualization. The writings in The History of the Three Kingdoms had neat,even sentence pattern and symmetric words meaning. The antithesis sentence was also relatively common. The articles in the history of the later Han Dyansty stressed literary grace and antithesis and preliminarily noticed the rhythm. Its form was more perfect and the dualization was obvious. The writings in The Book of Song,The Book of the Nan Qi Dynasty and The Book of Wei had neat sentence pattern and pursed for exquisite rhythm and allusions. Many articles were muture parallel prose.
作者 刘涛
出处 《南昌大学学报(人文社会科学版)》 CSSCI 北大核心 2016年第1期116-125,共10页 Journal of Nanchang University(Humanities and Social Sciences)
基金 广东省哲学社会科学"十二五"规划一般项目"南朝骈文文体形式与文体批评研究"(GD14CZW06)
关键词 史传 论赞 骈化 骈文形式 六朝 historical biography biographical argument and praising writing dualization the form of parallel prose the Six Dynasties
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